Well, I think my hard drive crashed. I'm not quite sure yet because I haven't heard from the repair shop. That is what it's looking like though. The good thing is that I backed up my computer the night before I took it in.
What does this all mean? My video project is postponed even longer (so much for that mid January goal), I'm unable to work on my website for my new costuming business, Action Heart Fashion, and I'm attempting to post to the blog from my space phone.
Unfortunately I have all these lovely ideas swimming around my brain and experiences to write out and tell you all about however, it just isn't going to happen this week. That also means no pictures.
The good part about not having my computer is that I am forced to focus this particular aspect of my creativity into other areas of my life. Much is happening in my real (non virtual) life and I must say, I quite like it that way.
Short and sweet this week but don't fret, I will be back in full swing soon! And there is so much happening and planned to happen in my life soon that you certainly will be hearing about it!
Until I get my electric box back from the shop...